BPAL's Womb Furie and Smut
Wow, I cannot believe I have not done a review post on BPAL (Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab). I have quite a few of their amazing perfumes, and have sampled many, but have only barely scratched the surface of this online store, that is an indie perfume lover's heaven. At first, the choices were daunting to me, I didn't know how I was going place an order without going bankrupt, or crazy trying to choose just a few, lol. Thank goodness I stumbled across the Forum (which is actually listed on the online store). There are reviews of every perfume, and although time consuming, it is truly a handy tool! Amongst the many many many general catalog items, there are also limited editions. These are only available in full sizes. However, there are decant circles on the forum, I've never participated, but it's a great idea! Some time ago, I decided to purchase 2 almost iconic perfumes from the Lupercalia collection. I am embarrassed to admit that this collection was available in F...