My New Do..Plus Some Christmas Goodies
Recently I was due to have my blonde highlights redone. I decided that I'd go for some extra colour, and instead of having the cropped fringe, I'd try having a side fringe for something different. I'm loving my side fringe, it's easier to maintain than the cropped one, and I think the colour gives it definite "oomph" :) (Uh, excuse the lack of foundation here :/) While I'm posting, I wanted to add a couple of pics of my awesome Christmas presents. Starting with my Bluesky Kit. This is a cheap version of Shellac. I became obsessed with Shellac after a mani I had. I loved just how shiny and how long it lasted without any chips. I decided that I wanted to try applying the soak-off-gel mani myself, but because the actual Shellac brand is so pricey, I went for a cheaper brand. The kit came with UV lamp, top/base coats and nail polishes. I have used it, but it's only been a couple of days of wear, so a review will follow after a trial period. S...