Fairy Nails

Last year, I went on a glitter buying frenzy. Collecting a rainbow of sparkly products that I thought would work on my nails. I've always got so many mani ideas running through my head that creating a glittery mani was put on the back burner, that and the fact that I knew removal was going to be a b*tch!

I wanted to create a gradient on some of my nails, with glitter on the remaining nails. For this look I used a blue glitter bought from a bargain store, the pink glitter I bough on ebay, it's a Martha Stewart craft glitter called "Bubblegum", I bought it in a set. As for the nail polishes I used a pink Modelista polish (can't seem to find a shade label) and Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear "Blizzard Blue" to create a gradient. I used a clear Ulta3 polish and then the glitter sprinkled over top to ensure that the glitter would stick to my nails.
(You'll have to take my word for products used, because stupid here accidentally deleted the photos!)

Do you use glittery nail polishes, or find the hassle of removal outweighs the result?


  1. Oh so pwweeettyyyyy :D
    I love using glitter Indie and I know how much of a fan you are too. I love glittery nail polish too much to worry about the removal. I find the old soak the tissue in polish remove and then hold it on the nail for 10 seconds technique usually works well.
    This time of year is perfect for glitter!

    1. Yay, so happy to see you back in the blogging world, Gem! I think this time of year calls for glitter, too! xx

  2. One of your more stunning creations Indie, and very close to being my fave. That aqua and hot pink gradient is so beautiful, love how the two colours make purple where they join! The glitter is magical too - great job sweetie ♡

    1. Thank you, my darling! I must say that this was a fave nail look of mine, too xx

  3. I've only ever tried glitter nails once and drove me nuts trying to take it off. Loveeeeeeeeee those colours above Indie.....how pretty do they look.

    1. Lol, Mandy, I totally understand! Thank you for your lovely compliment xx

  4. Beautiful effect here. I love glitter polishes, I've got just about every colour, plus a few various multicolours. I can't understand why everyone complains about the removal! It's more work than removing regular polish, but not prohibitively so. My technique is similar to Gemma Sapphire's above, I soak a cotton wool ball in remover, let it saturate the nail, then wipe away. The nail will be so wet, I can scrape any stubborn bits off with a thumbnail easier than rubbing with the cotton wool ball. It all comes off. Glitters seem to last longer without chipping too (for me at least) so I consider than a bonus.


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