Bluesky Shellac

I can't believe that it has taken so long to review this gel nail system!! I got it for myself at Christmas time eek!
Ever since having a Shellac mani done, I had been looking for a system so I could DIY. Well, if anyone has looked, even on ebay, these are quite exxy. As I was searching, I discovered many alternatives, many still out of my reach (or what I wanted to pay!) Many times the Bluesky Shellac brand popped up on ebay. Clearly a knock-off of Shellac, but at such a tempting, affordable price, I finally decided to give it a go.
I have played with this system many times, and with some trial and error have found a method that suits me. The instructions are simple to follow. Basically begin with clean nails, apply base coat then 2 layers of colour then top coat. All having 2 minutes of curing time under the lamp for each layer applied. Finally, rubbing over the sticky nails with acetone polish remover or rubbing alcohol means smooth glossy nails.
I discovered that applying thick layers just didn't work for me. The gels just peeled off in no time. For longer lasting nail polish, each layer needs to be applied quite thinly. What I did with each coat was apply, remembering to "cap" off nails, or run brush over the nail edge, then scrape any excess off, and brush across nail again, just to make sure there is only a thin layer. The products seem thicker than regular polish, so it does apply quite thickly at first.
Finished product:

The Bluesky Shellac isn't quite as thick as actual Shellac soak off gels, however, is somewhat thicker than regular polish, as stated earlier. Oh, I forgot to mention, that when applying product, it must not be applied over cuticles. I find this the most difficult part, only because I'm not the most co ordinated person, lol.

After one week:

There was minimal chipping, this was after being in the garden, and I'm never kind to my nails. As you can see in this pic, I've added a coat of shimmer polish. Any regular polish can be painted over top, removing with acetone remover does not effect gels.

After 2 weeks:

 The only problem I seem to have is that I am over the colour after a week, lol. However, beginning with a lighter shade means I can change the colour whenever I like. My nails are more protected, and I am able to grow them longer, seeing as they generally last for 2 weeks.
Removal is fairly simple. Acetone nail polish remover is a must. I soak a cotton pad in remover, place it on my nail, then cover in foil. Once I've completed one hand, using a hair dryer, I heat the foil for a few minutes. The foil should be on for around 20 minutes. Most of the gel comes off with the foil and pad, the rest can gently be scraped off with toothpick or "orange" stick. Then repeat on other hand.
I'm glad that I took the chance and tried the cheaper brand! :)


  1. Your nails look great! I've never tried shellac (or bluesky shellac) before. I think I'd be bored of the same colour after a week too!

  2. Thanks Jen. The regrowth can be a little unsightly, but not having to redo my nails as often with gels is a definite plus Thanks for your comment, hun :)


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