The Inspired Blog Award

Inspired Blog Award? Me??????? 

I was so blessed to be nominated for this award from the lovely Kat from Kat's Colourings, if any one is inspirational, it is totally her. Do yourself a favour and check out her blog! She has the most amazing EOTDs with colour combinations that most of us would not dare to try, yet she always makes them look amazing!
This award is such a great way to encourage fellow bloggers, the idea created by Agniezka from Beauty Cat Castle. The rules couldn't be any more simple, you just nominate at least 3 other bloggers who inspire you and why.
Now that it's my turn to share the love, I would like to nominate the following beauties:

Sarah from More Than Adored is as cute as a button and I just love her reviews. Nothing is off limits for her, whether it be drugstore brands to gorgeous high end products( which I can only drool over, lol). She is both informative and honest. Yep, this girl inspires me!

The gorgeous Ina from Ina Beauty World also inspires me with her polished makeup looks and well written posts. Her blog is well presented and her photos are wonderful. Not a question, Ina deserves a nomination!

Last, but certainly not least, is my darling Su from My Perfume Diaries. Her posts are impeccable. Not many people can write so beautifully about perfumes as this gorgeous gal. It's not easy to describe a perfume, but Su reviews in such a way that you can almost smell what she is describing. This lady is beautiful inside and out and is such in inspiration!

Darling Kat, thank you for being so kind to nominate me for my ramblings, hun, I truly appreciate it xx


  1. Awww thank you for the beautiful words! It means so much to me that you enjoy reading my blog. Thank you again lovely XX

    1. You're very welcome! Your reviews have been very helpful, hun..maybe a little enabling, lol. You deserve the nomination xx

  2. Love the nominations and yours couldn't be better deserved!


    1. Thank you so much, lovely. My little blog is no where near the caliber of yours, but really, I just enjoy creating blog posts. People taking the time to read it is such a bonus xx

  3. Sweetheart I'm THRILLED TO BITS that you published this award page, but what is that "Inspired Blog Award? Me???????" line at the top? Of course you earned it hon, silly gal, but an ever so cute intro anyway :-) So sweet of you to write what you did too hon, thank you treasure - you inspire me every day xxx

    1. It's great to share our passion of all things beauty related. so much inspiration, but, not enough cash or room for my ever growing list of must haves! I am so glad that in this community I have been able to make great friends, too xx

  4. Dear Michelle, I am so thrilled and your kind words totally made my day <3 thank you so much! it only shows what a lovely person you are :) You totally inspire me, both through your blog and through your kind personality :) x

    1. Su, you certainly don't need this accolade, because your blog has proven to be a success, but I just wanted you to know that you really do inspire me, hun. I feel so lucky to have met you in person xx


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