Nail Polish Declutter Intro

With over 400 nail polishes I decided it was time to declutter my collection. In the past I have gone through my polishes and removed some of the dupes I had. This time around I wanted to thoroughly go through my polishes. I decided that I will try and apply every nail polish that I own, see how I find not only the colour, but how it wears.

My aim is to check in monthly and show you the nail polishes I have tried in that time. I only apply a different nail polish probably twice a week, so this project is going to take quite a while.

Crazed For Coral

Burnt Orange

Burlesque Strip

True Red

Red Rage

Out of these orange/red polishes, I will be keeping all but the Models Inc True Red and Red Rage. I feel that I don't need so many reds and these are the 2 that don't perform as well formula wise. They are both not as opaque as the others.

Nail polish tally- 3


  1. Wow to owning 400 polishes! I've gradually lessened my stash in the last year or so - after coming back from America & doing a big ol' polish haul there, I've gone from about 115 down to 68 at recent count. Although my polish wishlist is massive (and I mean MASSIVE), I don't feel like I actually need any more right now. I'm happy with what I've got.

    Shell // The Novice Life

    1. Oops, I meant to say "coming back from America last year".

    2. I've decided that I need a more manageable amount of nail polishes. For me, 400 is a crazy amount considering if it wasn't for this project, I would only apply polish once a week. Good on you for cutting back on the amount you own, Shell xx

  2. what an amount of nail polish to own! I have for a long time stopped doing my nails, but the burlesque strip is a beautiful red!

    Sam Hodgett || Beauty, Food & Lifestyle

    1. Burlesque Strip is my favourite red, Sam xx

  3. What a great project for trying all your polishes rather than just your current favourites like I tend to do but geez this project will take years with a collection of 400 polishes!

    Or you could do what my daughter used to do when she was little when she requested I paint each of her fingernails in a different shade - lol!


    1. I probably should start painting my nails and toenails with different nail polishes to make sure I get through this project, Ingrid! lol xx


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