Mid-face Thread Treatment

 Gravity is not our friend when it comes to aging, so in an attempt to reduce my nasolabial folds that continue to deepen I decided it was time to treat my mid face with threads. I chose 27 gauge by 38 mm PCL threads and inserted 7 horizontally from the inner part of the NLF crease towards my outer face on each side. The remaining 6, I used 3 on each side inserting vertically into and either side of the NFLs.

My aim is that by giving structure to that area with threads not only should it reduce the NFLs, but also help prevent further sagging of the jowls. It takes up to 2 years to dissolve PCL threads which in that time encourages collagen building and firmness. Well, that's the hope. It does take a lot of threads to do this, so paience is key.

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