Round 3 of Hanheal Exosomes

 I'm so glad I checked my DIY calender because I was about to fibroblast my lips not realising it was time to inject some Hanheal Exosomes. I was surprised a month had gone since my last round. The second half of this year is passing by way too quickly. How are we so close to Christmas????

Anyway, back to the subject of this blog post, Hanheal Exosomes. Although the product needs to be mixed before injecting, it is so easy. The fluid is poured into the vial of powder. Only a little amount of mixing is needed for the powder to be dissolved, so it's a step that is not difficult. I also love just how easy the thin consistency is to draw up into a syringe. Although I could draw it up with the 30 gauge by 4 mm needle tip I use for injecting, however, I find it quicker to just use a drawing needle tip. It's just a larger gauge and longer length and because I am not using the needle to inject product, I don't have to worry about it getting blunt by scraping the glass vial. 

Ok, so if you read my posts, you'd know I begin in my lips first. It feels good to get that painful area done and dusted. This time around I injected 4 times in my lips, breaking them up into quaters. Then treated forehead, under eyes then rest of my face.

I don't measure the amounts injected because the little bumps of product are a pretty good indication. I just try and be conservative so I can treat all the areas of my face.

After a few days since treating my face with Hanheal Exosomes, I once again only noticed the appearance of my skin being similar to that fresh look after using a hydrating face mask. Nice, but not what I am expecting. I mean I could save the discomfort and just do a good sheet mask instead, right? However, I had made some resin earrings and sent a photo to my daughter of me wearing them and I was like oh, my skin looks pretty good, lol, so there is that! 

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