SweetPea and Fay Cosmetics

With a name like SweetPea and Fay, how could I resist purchasing a voucher through Heartsy for this indie makeup seller. Owners Katrina and Amanda Farnsworth describe themselves as: "We love anything unique or vintage. Our store reflects our quirky style while also offering all natural cosmetics that are fun and bright!"

(Pic taken from Heartsy site)

I only purchased eye shadows with my voucher, but this online store also stocks liquid lipstick and foundation. Purchases over $20 come with a free eye shadow, and there's a COTW eye shadow on offer cheaper than the normal eye shadow price. Their website is easy to navigate, and to place an order from. The eye shadows come in the usual size jars, with a simple label. Shipping/processing time was good.

Now for the swatches, I was on a neutral colour kick, so no exciting bright colours, but I was happy with my order :)

SCALYWAG: Bronzed taupe shimmer

93 PHOBIAS: Taupe with a muted pink hued shimmer

WOE IS ME: Dusty rose shimmer

SHROOMS: Silvery taupe shimmer

MOTH DUST: Rusted pink shimmer

AUSSIE KISSES: Dusty wine shimmer

BUELAH (sample baggie) Neutral matte


Lid- Shrooms, Under brow- Beulah, Crease- Aussie Kisses.

Lid- Woe is Me, Under brow- 93 Phobias

I found the shadows well pigmented and easy to work with. Looking at their liquid lipsticks, they look similar to OCC Lip Tars, so I must make another purchase to try one or two..for reviewing purposes, of course!! ;)


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