Aromaleigh V 2- Fall Tapestry Collection

 I was excited to try out Aromaleigh V 2 eye shadows. I took the opportunity of a sale to purchase the Fall Tapestry collection in samples, which come in small zip-lock baggies.
This collection is described as (taken from site) "With finishes ranging from plush soft shimmer to iridescent metallic sheen and every degree of sparkle in between, there's something in this collection for everyone. You'll find our color descriptions, skin swatches and the runway style that resulted in Fall Tapestry's creation."
With a description like that, how could I not try the shadows, and it's the perfect time of year to be playing with them! :)

SONIA: Steely grey, with mauve shift.

VERA: Mocha shimmer.

MIUCCIA:  Cream with lilac shimmer.

ALEXIS: Multi-coloured shimmery silver.

TRACY: Neutral with lime green shimmer.

BETSEY: Neutral gold shimmer.

NINA: Pink with gold shimmer.

ALICE: Shimmery taupe.

GRAZIA: Taupe with green shimmer.

CELINE: Coppery pink shimmer.

DONNA: Deep mushroom pink with multi shimmers.

MARNI: Metallic green shimmer.

ELIE: Greyed purple with lilac shimmer.

ALBERTA: Dusty pink shimmer.

CAROLINA: Plum shimmer.

REBECCA: Bronzed pink shimmer.


Inner lid and tear duct is Celine, lid is Alberta and crease/lower lash line is Caroline.

Lid is Grazia, outer lid and crease is Marni and under brow line is Donna.

Next post will be on another Aromaleigh V 2 collection :)


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