Window Shopping

Because I have so many beauty products sitting unused, I'm going to try not to buy what I have too much of, which is pretty much everything beauty related. I know I'm not that long off my no-buy, but I need to stop being such a hoarder. Easier said than done, but I thought I could include a new series "Window Shopping" to showcase products that I am lusting after. Hopefully this will fill my beauty shopping void..time will tell, lol!

Thierry Muglar Angel- I recently finished a dupe oil of this and now require the real thing!

Rimmel Apocolips Lip Lacquer- No I have not been hiding under a rock, but I have way too many lip products that I want to get through, so I will just keep lusting after this gloss. Will power do not leave me now!

Covergirl 3-in-1 Outlast Foundation- I have read enough rave reviews to know that I must try this foundation! Alas, I have a few foundations to get through first. My plan is to only own one back-up foundation, getting through my current stash is going to take some time. I might have to postpone my make up free days for a while, lol.

Australis Velourlips- I love that these come in a gloss type application, yet are a matte finish. They've intrigued me for some time, and I need to try them...eventually :)

Natio BB Cream- I actually haven't done much research on this product, but I like the brand, so I want to try their BB cream. If I don't like it, at least I will not be breaking the bank. Thankfully, I've only a couple of BB creams to finish before I can buy this one :)

Aromaleigh Ignis Antiquita Collection-  Not only do I love the theme of Aromaleigh's latest collection (inspired by history's "forgotten" women) but some of the colours look gorgeous! This will have to wait, too many samples already in my collection. It's only a matter of time when I'll need an online fix of mineral makeup shadows, but I'll try and hold out.

Urban Decay Naked 3- If you haven't already got this palette, chances are it's on your wish list, too. The only thing I need to ask myself is do I really want it? Yes, it's gorgeous, but I do have similar colours in my my only reason because I don't want to miss out on yet another hyped Naked palette. I have the original and have used it once..hmmm.

Well, I must admit, this has been fun. Not quite the thrill of actually shopping, but it certainly kept me distracted for a while. 

Do you have any of these products, or would you like to? :)


  1. I'm definitely getting Naked3. I've got Naked2, and I'm tossing up whether I want/need Naked1 as well.

    1. I have 1 and 2, number 3 would make my collection complete. I don't need it, but I love the packaging, lol

    2. I've placed my order tonight for Naked1 & Naked3. I decided I wanted to have the whole collection. Now I've just gotta stalk the postie!

    3. Ooh, how exciting, Rose! I can't wait to hear all about Naked 3 :)

  2. I've got Angel by Thierry Mugler, and love it. Definitely a fragrance worth the money :)

    1. Good to know that you are a fan, Sam. The dupe was lovely, so I'm assuming the real deal will be even better :)

  3. Oh no you've just increased my wish list!! LOL
    I've been wanting to try the Australis Velourlips for a while now too :-) They are very budget friendly to buy....gotta love an affordable lippy!
    Lovely list sweets! I hope you can grab everything you're after soon xx

    1. LOL, alas the curse of a shopping addict, there's always something on your wishlist!

  4. Well that's great Indie you have now just made me add more wanted products to my wishlist :-). Gosh I am such a sucker for foundations that have great reviews. I already have 3 foundations to use but surely one more wouldn't hurt?
    So many products mentioned by you Indie.....they all look great.

    1. Ah, something that I really enjoy doing is enabling others, it makes me feel better about my ever growing list of things I want to buy, lol. As for the foundation, you might just be getting it before I do, I am determined to use up a couple more before buying anymore. I hope I can stay strong, lol!

  5. I have Naked and Naked 2 - love them both! Not sure if I am going to purchase 3 although I have seen it on YouTube and the colours do look quite nice.......

    I am trying to do the same as you with foundation. I'm trying to use up the ones I have. The next one I do purchase I think will be a high end foundation. Normally I buy drug store but I'd like to try and Estee Lauder one I think.

    1. It's hard not to wait until finishing products before buying more, especially when they seem like they are never ending, lol


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