Miracle BR For the Undereyes

 My dark undereyes are something I've just come to accept that I will always have. I've tried so many eye creams over the years that admittedly some have helped reduce the appearance of lines and crepiness but this is due to their hydrating properties that I can get from my regular moisturiser. Nothing has worked on the dark circles that are due to both genes and allergies.

My search was over until I started to DIY injectables and came across a product from the Miracle line, Miracle BR. Could this treatment be the product I have been searching for? I can't answer that yet but I was happy to try it.

With ingredients like vitamin C, niacinimide, peptides and XT80 a whitening boosting complex this product is formulated to inhibit melanin in the skin, reducing pigmentation and age spots. Pigmentation is something I also have accumulated over the years from both acne scarring and too much time in the sun without protection.

I had planned to inject Hyaron, so opted to just try Miracle BR under my eyes first, then in future try and treat pigmentation on my face.

The vial comes with 2 ml of product. I used 0.1 under each eye and injected small amounts where the dark circles are. It is a liquid that I found easy to inject using a 30 gauge needle with a 4mm tip. I kept the injections superficial only injecting just under the skin. Unlike Miracle L, there was no discomfort during the injection.

So far I only have some puffiness where I injected the product. I will let you know if I experience an improvement. I guess you'll see it for yourself in future videos :D

Indie10 saves you 10% at CelestaPro

*Please note that I am not a doctor, nurse or aesthetician. Anything shared is not for educational purposes but to document my own experience for future reference.


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