Blog Announcement

I've always promised myself that once I lost passion for writing blog posts, I would take a hiatus. Well, that time has come. 

I think most bloggers go through a stage where they are just not "feeling it", I've been there in the past, more than once, but because it only lasts for a short time, the passion comes right back. 

Unfortunately, I've felt uninspired to a certain degree for some time. I just feel like I'm writing the same drivel, and I think you, my reader, deserves better content.

I still enjoy playing with makeup, and sharing my love of beauty products. So, for the time being, I believe Instagram is the best platform for me to do this. If you don't follow me, and would like to, just search @indie_ana1 to find me. 

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support. I've met some wonderful ladies and of course will continue to interact with ya'll on your blogs or on Insta.

I won't make any promises about returning, but I wouldn't be surprised if I miss the world of blogging and come back to my little space.

Much love to you! xx


  1. Ahh, boo! Sorry to see you go but I will definitely be looking out for you on Insta!

    1. Thank you, Beth. I will not be disappearing from Insta, love being able to interact with lovely ladies like you that I've been fortunate enough to "meet" xx

  2. :( I'm sad to read this but I hope that the flame will return and you will be back on blogspot. in the mean time i'll continue to check out your pics on insta :)

    1. Awww, thanks sweet Lily. I'm sure I'll get the blogging bug back again, but until then, I'm so glad I can catch up on Instagram xx

  3. I'm sorry to hear, I've stumbled across some great sounding skincare from your blog!
    It shouldn't be a chore so if the enjoyment isn't there then it's the right choice for you.
    I love seeing your pretty face pop up in my IG feed x

    1. Thank you for your support and understanding, Nerida. Be sure I will continue to bombard IG, lol xx

  4. Sorry to see you go Indie......have enjoyed reading your emails and blogs. I will have to understand all this instagram. xx

    1. Thank you, sweet lady. I'm glad that I can catch up with you on BH xx

  5. I'll miss your posts, but you need to do what's right for you. At least we can all still see you on Insta! xx

    1. Thanks so much Di, I love that I can catch up with many of my wonderful blogging friends like you on IG xx

  6. My darling Indie, drivel? Oh please! LOVE your insightful, fun and informative posts - for one thing, you've been my main inspiration (and enabler) for growing my perfume collection, not to mention my makeup and skincare discoveries. But I understand completely, and hope that the flame re-ignites in you in the not too distant future. Meanwhile I shall stalk your Instagram account for my much needed dose of gorgeous looks, colours and "Indie" products. Take care my lovely, and see you there ♥

    1. Kat, you've always been one of my biggest supporters and I can't thank you enough for that. No need to worry, tho, because of course, I will continue to stalk your fabulous blog xx

  7. Oh nooooo Indie! You've always been one of my favourite bloggers to read & no, you don't write drivel at all! I fully understand why you're taking time out - if you're not feeling inspired, then it's hard to keep the fire stoked. I hope that you can re-ignite the flame at some stage, but I know I'll (probably) see you around on BH anyway (since I don't have Insta...yet).

    1. Shell, your kind words mean so much, thank you! I am so thrilled that you have entered the blogging world, along with catching up BH, I am glad I can drop in on you at your fantastic blog xx

  8. I thought I hadn't seen any posts from you recently despite still seeing your IG posts so I came here looking for you. I know, I'm obviously a bit late, but I've been a bit preoccupied myself with my daughter undergoing surgery recently (she'a all good now). Just letting you know that I never saw your posts as drivel, I always enjoyed them, but if you weren't enjoying writing them I'm glad you decided to have a break! Fingers crossed you regain your passion for blogging, but regardless do what's right for you. Ingrid x

  9. I totally know where you are coming from. I had the same feeling at the beginning of the year and it took me a month and a half to come back but I still dont feel as passionate as I used to!


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