Stocktake 2017- Nail Polish

For years I have gone through phases where I  just have a nail polish frenzy. Thankfully, I have since quit being so obsessed, I can't even remember the last time that I bought a nail polish. 

Don't get me wrong, I still love nail polish, but I think I'm now ok in that department. Here's my blog post of what I had in 2015 and I'll show you what my collection looks like now.

I had to stick 2 photos together to show my nail polish shelves.

I also have a plastic set of drawers.

...and of course a fancy cardboard box.

My last count of nail polishes was 407, since then I have done some de-cluttering, giving away quite a few and binning dried up polishes. So my total now is 335!

I am happy that I have reduced the amount that I have, but I still don't think I'll be buying any more polishes for a very long time. Oh, except for black and white, those colours I always replace.


  1. Wow, my stash is about a third of yours & I still feel a bit guilty about that! I've still got plenty to swatch from my trip haul last year; but I periodically go through mine & decide what I don't wish to use anymore, then pass them on. I haven't bought a polish for about 9 months, which I figure is a good thing...the wishlist is a mile long though!

    1. You've got some from last year that you haven't swatched? Wow! It would be nice to have some new ones to play with, but I am going to resist xx

    2. I'm trying to finish up some older ones first before I swatch the unopeneds, but occasionally I cave & open up a bottle or 2. Some of them are back-ups and possible dupes, so I won't need to open them for a while. I too want a whole stack of new ones but I'm resisting atm. Maybe I'll get through 2017 without buying any newbies!

  2. Good golly! I have a big hat box full of polish that I thought was pretty bad. I've got nothing on you, girl!

    1. My collection of nail polishes is a little ridiculous, I would be content with much less so it was more manageable, lol xx

  3. So many nail polishes!! I have a kind of same collection, I'm obsessed with nail polishes!

    1. There is always a gorgeous nail polish that will catch my eye, I'm sure you understand, too, lol xx

  4. Wow, you have sooo much nail polish! I literally have just about 15 bottles and I already think it's too much ! hahaha
    I've just found your blog and I'm following on GFC! :)

    1. 15 is a decent amount. No one needs hundreds of nail polishes, lol xx

  5. I used to have a crazy collection of nail polish I recently toss away nail polish I haven't use in a while to bring down my collection to a nice small one lol. Well small for a beauty blogger lol.

    Great post!

    Sheer Beauty Blog

    1. I Am planning on doing another declutter, I'd prefer a more manageable amount xx

  6. Thats a crazy collection. I thought I had heaps :)


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