Lipstick Declutter Update #5

Ok, I'll make the intro quick. I have been going through my lipstick stash trying different ones on to see what I want to keep and what has got to go. I will now show you the lipsticks I have worn since my last update.

Maybelline in Fuchsia Flash

Bourjois Velvet Rouge Edition in It's Redding Men

Rimmel The Only One Lipstick in Pink a Punch

Rimmel Apocalips (can't find shade name)

Freedom Pro Butter Lipgloss in Cat's Whiskers

Maybelline SuperStay Matte Ink in Pioneer

ColourPop Ultra Matte in Beeper

Vonblu Lipstick in Lara

Without question I will be keeping all my new lip products. These are Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet in It's Redding Men, Rimmel The Only One lipstick in Pink a Punch and Maybelline SuperStay Matte Ink in Pioneer.

I really like the formula and colours of Maybelline Fuchsia Flash, Rimmel Apocalips lipstick, ColourPop Ultra Matte lipstick in Beeper and Freedom Pro Butter Lipgloss in Cat's Whiskers so they will also remain in my stash.  

Vonblu Liptick in Lara will also stay in my collection because it's new to my collection, not unique, but I like the formula.

Hmmm, not a very successful decluttering update!

My lipstick stash now stands at 38. 


  1. I can understand why this was an unsuccessful declutter, those shades are gorgeous! Even the nudes I think maybe I could get away with wearing (and that says a lot for this pale lass).

    Shell // The Novice Life

    1. Yes, you would be able to pull those nudes off quite well. Maybe next update will be more successful! :)


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