When DIY Doesn't Go To Plan

 In my limited experience in beauty DIY I've had issues during a procedure that I think could have gone better but I've never felt the need to stop, until now. This is something that I would prefer not to share, but I think it's beneficial to show the fails with the wins. So here goes.

I planned to treat my under eyes with threads, a procedure I've done before without any real issue. Instead of PDO this time, I opted for the longer lasting PCL version, using 29 gauge by 25 mm threads. I began with inserting vertically under my right eye, which went fine. Instead of stopping there, I so wish I had, I thought that creating a hashtag pattern with some horizontal threads would create much needed volume in my under eye hollows. I had some swelling, but nothing I was too concerned about. 

I switched to the other eye, starting with the horizontal pattern. Once again, I felt some resistance in one area and a small pop as the needle pushed through. Well, the swelling began immediately and under my eye continued to swell it seemed until it could swell no longer. In a panicked haste I grabbed my ice roller and held under my eyes. I was too scared to even look in the mirror again! Lol

I was done, there was no finishing this procedure! Just lots of deep breathing to prevent a panic attack, lol! Initially I believed I was having an allergic reaction because it happened so quickly, yet I had not experienced pain during the insertion of the culprits. But, after I had calmed down and thought about what I had done, I realised that I had the experience on both eyes before the swelling and bruising. When placing vertically, the insertion point is outside of my orbital bone to avoid being too close to my eyes, thus avoiding the many veins, I'm thinking the horizontal placement is more likely to go through rather around. Just a guess, but a pretty good one considering the bad bruising I have created!

Lesson learnt, I'd say. I'm just glad that although there's damage, it's nothing permanent or dangerous. Although bruising in that area can take a long time to heal, so I'm not looking forward to trying to answer questions about the cause of my black eyes! 

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