Liebster Blog Award.

Wow, I feel not only honoured, but totally humbled by a fellow blogger for nominating me for the Liebster Award. This blog award is fantastic for supporting and showcasing bloggers who have less than 200 followers..I totally fit this criteria, lol. I haven't been doing this for for long, and am still trying to find my way in the blogging world, but I am enjoying this journey that gives me a way to write about my passions in life. This nomination has given me such a boost of encouragement..I am so grateful!

When a nomination has been received, the criteria is as follows:

  1. Thank your nominator/s and link back their blog/s.
  2. Select & reveal your five chosen blogs with fewer than 200 followers.
  3. Advise your chosen blogs of their nomination via a comment on their blog.
  4. Copy and paste the award onto your own blog.
  5. Request that your award nominees then forward it on to their own chosen bloggers.

I would like to express my genuine thanks to the gorgeous Mel, talented and honest writer of the blog Yeah, yeah, ragger, ragger . It means so much to receive this nomination from such a fantastic person!

The blogs that I am nominating are:
Ritual Eyes- Not only is this an informative blog on all things beauty related, Michelle is also a talented lady who creates and sells mineral eye shadow.
Em's 2 Cents- A very honest blog about anything and everything.
Beauty and the Bronzed- A bronzed goddess with a new beauty blog.
Alice Jane in New Castle- General life commentary from a crossdresser who is gradually coming out to the people around her. (Alice has the BEST legs!!)
Shadows*N*Stitches- An entertaining blog on makeup reviews, swatches, makeup looks.

Well, I must say it felt good to share the love, and nominate other worthy bloggers. Please take the time to check out their blogs, you won't be disappointed :)


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