Project Increase Storage Space- De-Potting MUA Single Eye Shadows.

I just love the quality of UK drugstore brand MakeUp Academy's products. Because of the price point, and frequent sales, I have accumulated quite a few of the single shadows. As lovely as these shadows are, I don't tend to use them quite as much because they are quite bulky, and have been sitting unloved in a drawer.
Thankfully there are so many fabulous tutorials on YouTube, including one that I come across that showed how to de-pot the lovely MUA single shadows and re-home them in a DIY palette.

The process is fairly simple, yet care needs to be taken due to the use of heat and a sharp knife. 
Once the hair straightener is hot, using a piece of foil on one of the plates, carefully place an eye shadow with lid open, on top. After a couple of minutes, long enough for the glue to begin to melt, pick up the shadow. Using the knife, gently run around the metal casing, then use the leverage of the knife to prise the pot of shadow away from the casing. care must be taken in this stage, firstly for your own safety, and also because it can be easy to break the shadow, or dig into it with the knife blade. Any remaining glue can easily be removed, I did this simply by using my fingers.
Once I had removed the shadows, I began creating the palette, which is super simple. I just used an empty CD case. On the inside of the bottom, I placed a measured square of magnetic tape, placed the shadows inside and "Hey Presto" a palette (well, now 2) with gorgeous shadows!

The palettes could have a prettier cover, but for the moment, I'm content to leave them as they are. I'm sure these lovely shadows are now going to get the love that they deserve :)


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