Nail Polish Declutter Update #13

I hope you are keeping your sanity this crazy time of year. I am holding on, but barely by my fingernails, it seems. Ok, I'm being dramatic, but I find that this time of year you're either super excited about Christmas, or if you're like me, the Grinch. What I have still been doing is trying on nail polishes, I'll show you.

I'm not sure on the shade name, but I adore this pink shade. It has a soft textured finish. Definitely keeping!


I like the holo, but not really keen on the pale blue, it's not opaque enough for my liking. I'm saying goodbye to this one.

This black holo is so gorgeous in the bottle, but on the nails? Nope, it's washed out and patchy. Decluttering.

Shade 01

Although not such a special polish on its own, this turns any nail polish colour into a holo, so I decided to keep it to play with.

Fantasy Fire

I'm keeping this nail polish topper. It doesn't look so special on its own, but does its magic over an opaque nail polish.

I can't find a shade name for this polish, but I really like the pastel mint colour with glitter pieces. 

Chunky Holo Purple

This is a very pretty purple glitter topper, but I don't need another so will be decluttering this polish.

 Chunky Holo Candy

This is a hard one, I like it, but do I need it? No. Being brutal and saying goodbye.

Well, I am throwing away 4 out of the 8, so I'd call that a success.

So for now I have 62 polishes staying in my collection.


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