Coral and Teal EOTD

After using purple and lime on my lids, I wanted to once again to use another unusual combo. I must say that I can't recall using coral and teal together.

The shadows I used for my eye look were Virus Insanity "Techno" and Evil Shades "Wanderflower" (No longer available). 

To complete the look I also used the 88 Warm palette, MUA Contour Pen and L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes.

Obviously this not an everyday look, but I think this colour combination can work.

What's an unusual colour combination that has worked for you? I'd love some more inspiration!


  1. That looks really nice on you IndieAna! Mesmerising, that's all I can say! :)

  2. OMG Indie, this is the most BEAUTIFUL EOTD I've ever seen come from your creative hands - I just ADORE it! I've pinned it on my "Stunning Eye Looks" Pinterest board! Where you've placed the colours is sheer genius - that teal on either side of the coral, holey moley hon it's amazing, and that last pic of the shimmery inner corner, well, I can't stop looking at it ♥

    1. Kat, that means so much coming from you. Of course, you are my inspiration in trying different colour combinations xx

  3. Gosh, when I saw the colour Teal I thought wow.......when I saw the Coral. I thought different but put them together and WOWZIEEEEEEEEE.
    Every photo of the eye is amazing. I am blown away Indie......mesmerizing I would say.
    I am the same.........I can't stop looking at this combination...just gorgeous.

    1. Mandy, you are too kind. I love how vibrant these shadows are, it was fun playing with them

  4. Nice combination, it does work together, xoxo.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, Inez xx

  5. Indie that colour combo is very beautiful. They both bounce off each other to create the most radiant eye catching effect. Truly very stunning. I think you could totally pull that EOTD off for an everyday look. It isn't over the top at all, just attention grabbing. I love it!!

    1. It was a pleasant surprise to see how well the colours went together. Thanks for your sweet comment, hun xx

  6. Wow! Love the bold move to mix those colours and it turned out soooooo well!

  7. Nice one indie looks really great
    I have not been playing with my eyeshadows lately might try something like this x

    1. Thanks Varinder. I'd love to see it if you do xx


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