Hair Care Routine

I'm not that passionate about hair related products. Some decent hair care and I'm happy. Needless to say, my hair routine is not that exciting, it's extremely simple.

Saturday afternoon is my main hair care day. After my morning walk, I apply a mix of coconut and olive oil to my hair. I just leave it in all day, and reapply a little if needed.

I wash out the oil in the shower and apply the shampoo from the Hair Ritual duo that I purchased from TV Shopping Network, TVSN. This not only rids my hair of any oil residue, but prepares my hair for the next step. 

Matrix So Silver toning shampoo. I love this product's ability to maintain my blonde hair, ridding it of any brassiness. I leave it in my hair for 5 minutes before rinsing. 

Once the purple toner is washed out, I coat my hair with the conditioner. 

Thanks to Hailey's giveaway that I was lucky enough to win, I distribute the conditioner evenly through my hair, using the Tangle Teezer Aqua Brush. A brush designed to not damage the hair when brushing whilst wet.  

I then put on a shower cap and leave the conditioner to do its work whilst I hop out from under the shower to epilate my legs and underarms. I cleanse my face. Get back in the shower and by the time I am finished everything that I want done before rinsing the conditioner, usually 15 or so minutes has lapsed.
Once my hair is towel dried, I apply Hair Ritual hair oil that contains the peptide Vecorexin. Only 2 drops is needed for my hair.

OMG, once dry my hair is soft, shiny and manageable, not that short hair is really hard to comb through.
Although I don't wash my hair during the week, Tuesdays and Thursdays I rinse with water, then use whatever conditioning spray I have, which at the moment is Matrix Instacure. 

So, that's my hair care routine, reviews of products mentioned will appear in future review posts.


  1. Wow Indie. Your hair must love you! :D You take such wonderful care of your hair darl and all the products you use sounds pretty amazing. I've never really heard of any of them before so am looking forward to your reviews. Now I can see why you have such vibrant, soft hair xx

    1. And here I was thinking that my routine was very basic, lol. My hair certainly loves me on shampoo day, it is starting to look pretty dull by then, haha


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