SOTD- Arcana Soaps Frilly Underpinnings

Thanks to Dee for kindly sending me some Arcana samples, it has not only allowed me to try this brand, but also fill that indie perfume sampling void. They couldn't have come at a better time, because I had finished my stash of oil samples. Still determined to not buy any perfumes in the near future, it has been great to sniff some different perfumes.

How cute is the design of Frilly Underpinnings label! 
Described as "Pink, white and black pepper laced delicately through sweet cream, bourbon vanilla, caramel amber, 2 sugars, spice and everything nice"
Sound good? Well, it smells even better. Yes, it's gourmand and sweet, but it's also grown up with the amber, bourbon vanilla and pepper spices preventing a toothache. After wear, I get a smoky, tobacco type note, which I love. 
This fragrance is sexy, rich and so delectable. Yes, a full size is a must! :)


  1. I love vanilla scents too and they said it's actually an aphrodisiac so pretty good if you want to feel extra sexy! :p

    1. LOL, Smiling, so true! Win-win, I say :)


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