Water Spot Mani

When I came across water spot manis online, I thought they looked good, but was reluctant to try the technique because I totally suck at water marbling. If you haven't heard of water marbling before, give it a google search, there are so many beautiful designs to see.

Thanks to a BH comp where you submit a chosen colour scheme each week, I thought I'd try this new design for the orange and red theme. 

 I decided to use orange for my base colour, Models Prefer "Trendy" is such a lovely shade. My fingers look oily, that is because I slathered them in Vaseline, to make it easier to remove the nail polish from my skin. Keep reading and you'll see why )

Using a cup of water, I then used my red of choice, Sally Hansen Lacquer Shine "Dazzling", and allowed drops of polish to cover the water's surface. 
 I then sprayed perfume above the polish. 

Spraying an alcohol based product separates the polish, putting holes in it. The hair spray that I used didn't work for me, but the perfume seemed to do the trick.

 It is a rather messy technique, tape around the nails is a great way to prevent a lot of polish transfer on the fingers.

Do you think you'd give the spotted mani a try? If so, I'd love to see it! :)


  1. I nvr knew until reading your post that this technique actually existed
    Well done you did a great job ����

    1. Thank you, Varinder. I am so addicted o Pinterest at the moment, gives me so many ideas and inspiration xx

  2. This effect looks fantastic!
    My method for getting nail polish off my fingers is just to do my nails at night, then slather on hand cream when I'm going to bed. Next morning in the shower it washes off. This technique works well with a normal (messy) application, but of course, I don't coat my whole finger up to the first finger joint!

    1. Thank you Miss8! That is a great way that you have to ensure fingers are clean. Unfortunately, if I don't clean up and take pics, I am such a clutz with my nails, that I'm bound to chip them, lol!

  3. I love the beautiful marbling result Indie. Well done gorgeous!!!
    I did try this technique once before and loved the outcome but holy moly it tested me LOL. It was so messy (as you know) and took me alot of time to achieve. But I must say you've got me wanting to try again :D

    1. Thank you, lovely. I would love to see what you create, I'm sure it would be amazing xx

  4. Hon I'm in awe of the things you get up to with your nails - this is such a pretty effect and so very feminine. Apart from the gorgeous pattern the color is fabulous and so YOU indie xxx

    1. Thank you, beautiful lady. I am so going to try this technique again, oh the possibilities xx


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