To Repurchase Or Not To Repurchase- Mirenesse Foot Renew Booties

Mirenesse Foot Renew Cryotherapy Booties, might be a mouthful to say, but in short are serum infused cloth booties.

They are jam packed full of goodies that are formulated to soothe the feet, whilst working to hydrate this often dry part of your body. Check out this impressive list of key ingredients here.
To activate, the packet needs to be placed in the freezer for 10 minutes (hence, cryotherapy) Application couldn't be any simpler, place them on your feet, and with the protective plastic outer layer, you can put your feet up on any surface.
I received these in a VIP pack from Mirenesse. 
I chose a hot day (which wasn't hard, lol), put the booties on and sat back on the recliner whilst watching a movie. I felt so pampered, as my dry, terribly cracked feet were being soothed in the cool, refreshing serum.
The recommended time to leave the booties on is 15 minutes, but I left them on for almost an hour, I wanted to allow as much absorption of the serum into my poor neglected feet as I could. I then tossed the booties and massaged the remaining serum into my feet.
Well, I must say that my feet, that probably should not have seen the light of day in their condition, were so soft and best of all SMOOTH. The roughness of my feet had disappeared. I can't believe that I achieved this result without manually exfoliating at least my heels!
Would I repurchase? Although, I received the impressive promised results, I do think the price is rather steep for a one-use product. It is a lovely way to pamper the feet, however, with regular foot soaks, scrubs and moisturisation, I can get similar results. Oh, and a lack of laziness!


  1. ooh this is good. I got a 'free' pair in the samples that i'm excited to try one hot day soon.

    1. I'm sure that you will love the result! :)

  2. I totally wanna try this product out now!!! How cool!! The little booties would be the best thing to make sure the product remains undisturbed while in use.
    Mirenesse can be so over priced! It's a shame really. If they lowered their prices and postage costs they would have more customers for sure.
    The results you gained sound amazing :)

    1. I know, the RRPs are ridiculous. They have great sales, though, so hopefully these will be available for a more affordable price

  3. I'm so glad you reviewed these Indie - I have a pack stashed away somewhere for a pamper session in the not too distant future, boy do my footsies need some of this treatment :-) Actually come to think of it I haven't tried anything else from that particular VIP pack either, I wonder where I put it lol...

    1. It's the only thing that I've used from the pack, but I sure want to use the other products, especially the face mask! :)


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