Simple NOTD Sunday

I just couldn't resist Face Of Australia's Glitterati range. I so love the name, how can you pass up on something called Glitterati! lol

This milky pink, with cute glitter is called "Heart of Glass". It's such a fun, girly colour. It did take 3 coats to reach this opaqueness.
I hope that you are having a great Sunday :)


  1. How cute Indie :D
    It is a very girly shade. I love it!! And the name is pretty sweet too :)

  2. As much as I love to create nail looks, it's nice just to enjoy a nail polish in all it's glory :)

    1. Couldn't agree more hun :D

  3. what a pretty colour and the name alone almost makes it worth buying :)

    1. Some sparkle crack and a cute name, I had to have it! :)

  4. Another awesome choice and super pretty mani Indie - this is definitely something I could use, so long as I just have to paint it on, I'm sweet ha ha!


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