Beauty Blogger "Get To Know Me"

Christina of beauty blog Lovethatlippie kindly tagged me to do the "Get To Know Me" tag. You can read her responses here.

1. Name a beauty routine you barely do.
Um, I don't cut my toe nails often enough, especially in the cooler months. Doesn't sound like a biggie, but hubby doesn't appreciate my scratching him with my manky toe nails, ewww.

2. Is washing your makeup brushes something you regularly do?
I wash my makeup brushes weekly. I don't have a crazy amount, and weirdly enough, I actually enjoy doing it....I know!

3. How long do you last with chipped nail varnish? 
Too long! I generally paint my nails twice a week. My nails will normally chip within 24 hours, but I don't remove it until I'm ready to do my nails again. Worse still, I often pick at the varnish to help remove it.

4. How often do you put off buying/replacing a beauty item or nail polish, even if you need it?
I actually don't think I have ever been in a position that I didn't have a makeup item that I needed. Too much of something? Well that's a different story, lol.

5. What is your worst beauty habit?
Probably keeping makeup way past it's use-by date. If it smells funky, or looks not quite right, I'll turf it. If not, I'll continue to put it to use. I have makeup that I've had for years.

6. Name something non-beauty related that you tend to put off all the time?
How long do we have? I'm such a procrastinator. I am the worst at planning birthday parties. It's always done at the last minute!

7. When going out somewhere do you leave getting ready to the last minute or not?
I always leave myself plenty of time to get ready, but still am rushing to get out the door!

8. Can you commit to spending bans?
I can, but I don't like to. I'm better with low-buys limiting myself to what I can spend, but treating myself from time to time. I am currently determined not to buy any lipsticks or eye shadows until I get through my "to-review" box. It takes me months to review something because I am so back logged. So far it's been over 3 months since my last purchase. However, my cravings are kind of satisfied when pulling things out of said box, because it's been so long since the purchase, it's like I am playing with something new :)

9. How organized is your makeup and nail polish collections?
Very! The rest of the house, however, can be chaotic!

10. What is the longest time you have gone without writing a blog post?

In my early days I didn't post as regularly. I now try and make sure I publish on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. While I have content to share, I will continue, but am not opposed to having a break if the passion is gone.

I tag you! If you do this tag, please link it in my comments, I'd love to read your answers.


  1. Love it!! You're a cack Michelle :-) xo


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