ColourPop Lippie Stix Haul Part 1

I'm sure you have heard of ColourPop, if not I will apologize for disturbing you under that rock. Of course, when there is hype around a beauty product, I have to own it, especially when it's in an affordable range.

I've made 2 orders with ColourPop so far, the first being only a few items, 2 eye shadows, lippie pencil and a lip primer. The high postage cost discouraged me, as it increases with the amount of products ordered. The second order I threw caution to the wind and ordered much more. It was my Mother's Day present to myself, so I was willing to use my set budget.

This post I will concentrate on the lip products.

Cake- "Bright pastel peachy shade in a satin finish."

Cookie- "True nude beige in a matte finish."

Frida- "A warm mid tone nude pink with a satin finish."

Brunch- "Bright mid tone coral in a satin finish."

Chi Chi- "Bright true orange in a matte finish."

Lumiere- "A dusty mauve pink in a matte finish."

As you can see, I only purchased from the matte and satin finish ranges. From the many reviews and swatches these shades appealed to me the most.

Both finishes applied like a dream. No tugging from the mattes. The smaller bullet made for an easier application. I found I had more control than the average sized bullet, therefore had better precision.

Once applied, I didn't notice a lot of difference in feel between the 2 finishes. They both felt creamy. Not at all heavy. The matte impressing me the most because it did not feel drying on my lips at all but still had the lasting power that can be expected from a matte. 

There was only one shade that I could have done without. I should give up on orange lipsticks, they just don't suit me, especially the bright orange that is "Chi Chi". Nothing at all wrong with the formula, just the colour isn't for me. 

I am super impressed with these amazing ColourPop lipsticks..and for a crazy $5 US each! Ok, postage is a killer and conversion to the Aussie $ isn't so great, but you are still getting bang for your buck. The satin and matte formulas are some of the nicest I have used in a lipstick.

Stay tuned for part 2 :)


  1. I'm intrigued by these as Christina from Love That Lippie talks them up big time! Wish shipping rates would ease a bit for us Aussie beauty addicts.

    1. Christina is such the enabler, lol! Shipping charges are ridiculous, us poor Aussies are disadvantaged when it comes to makeup prices!

  2. Wow, these look lovely on. I love a good creamy lipstick! I still haven't tried anything from ColourPop but my spending's a bit nuts lately to even consider it. LOL :)

    1. Di, I feel your pain, I've been on a spending ban for some time now. I had so many things that I hadn't even used yet.

  3. You look fantastic with all the shades on :) my favourite out of the lot is lumiere, the stix also look so nice and sleek!

    Lily not Louise

    1. Lumiere is definitely one of my faves, too! xx

  4. Wow these look fantastic, you chose really great shades :) I've heard only good reviews on this brand, but didn't realise that they were so affordable!

    1. Thank you! They are definitely worth trying xx

  5. I love Cookie! I can't believe I haven't done a ColourPop order yet - I'm so restrained!

    1. Good for you! It is hard not to purchase products that are so hyped :)

  6. Bit late here Indie but when I saw the pic with the orange lip my first thought was "wow that orange looks fantastic on you", on me it would be BAD but I think it actually suits you.


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