Lacura Anti Ageing Slim Lipstick

I enjoy checking out the latest Aldi catalog to see what random release is going to be available. I get especially interested when it is beauty related. The Lacura Anti Ageing Slim Lipsticks caught my eye because the packaging reminded me somewhat of ColourPop. Not the look exactly, but the actual lipstick container, with its slim plastic casing.

I figured that for a few dollars, it was worth trying one..I liked the shade Nude so much that I ended up getting the other 2 on my next Aldi shopping day.


 "Dark Rose"

"Pastel Rose"

The selection is crap, but the actual lipstick is really good. So moisturising on the lips, and has decent longevity for a lipstick with such a creamy finish. 

"Nude" is by far my favourite, I actually wasn't keen on the others, unfortunately. I was a bit meh about "Dark Rose", and I don't think "Pastel Rose" looked good on my lips at all. The formula was the same throughout, it was just the actual shades. Thankfully they were cheap, I've wasted a lot more on products that I haven't been excited about! What I spent on the 3, I would have happily paid for "Nude" alone.

I would definitely try other shades if they were released.


  1. Can't wait for Aldi to open here in SA! Still in building stages at the moment but looking forward to a new shopping option!

    1. I think Aldi has some pretty good stuff. I shop there weekly. There's things I still have to go to Woolies for, but it's good to have Aldi available.

  2. Nude looks absolutely gorgeous on you! I have a thing for slim lipsticks... i feel like they are more elegant? lol

    1. Lol, I agree with you, Lily, I find the smaller size easier to apply

  3. The nude is pretty decent! I think pastel pink is just a little too pale for me.

    1. That's how I felt, Leah, I'm not into pale pink lipsticks.

  4. Nude is the pick of the bunch! Looks lovely on you x

    1. Thank you, hun. It is now one of my fave nude lipsticks! xx


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