Stocktake 2017- Perfume

Now that I have a designated area for all my beauty products, I thought I'd do a little stocktake of everything while reorganizing. If you haven't seen my Beauty Room Tour, you can check that out here

Up first is my perfume collection, the last time I did a count of my perfumes it was way back in July of 2015. The post I wrote on that is here. So this is where I am almost 3 years later...

Here are my regular over the counter perfumes. I rarely buy them now. Previous count was 15 and I now have 18. As you can see, I have a few mini perfumes, so I shouldn't have much problem finishing those.

Indie perfumes is where my love of perfume really lies. I had to break up the collection into a few photos. Here goes :)

This photo shows perfumes from Arcadian Designs, Something Special and there's a few others that I am not sure of the brand.

These perfumes were created by a dear friend who truly has a gift, actually more than one. Su is on Instagram and takes wonderful photos, mostly of insects, hence her account name search @theinsectdiary to check out her photos. These oils are amazing and still smell fantastic after owning them for years.

Here are The Morbid The Merrier, which was a favourite seller of mine until customer service was so bad they shut down. Also one from Smell Bent, 2 from One Hand Washes The Other and 1 from Deep Midnight Perfumes.

Pictured are Latherati, Symbolic Imports, Ophelia's Apothecary, Darling Clandestine and one I'm not sure where it came from. 

This is my collection of oils from Hayward Enterprises, they specialise in perfume dupes.

Another company that sells dupes is Opulent Alchemy.

These are Possets perfumes, I especially love their gourmand scents.

Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab is the company that began my obsession with indie perfumes.

Last but certainly not least is my latest addiction, which is pretty obvious because the next 4 photos are of the one company.

Love Potion Perfumes is a company that I just can't get enough of. I have both oils and sprays. I will have to do a separate post in the near future about them because with some fragrances having added pheromones and even pheromones on their own, they are different to anything I have tried before. My wishlist continues to grow.

2015 Total Indie Perfumes- 87
Current Total- 128

...And here are my samples! Last count was 40 and I now have 71. So much for downsizing samples! But, to be fair LP Perfumes come out with new collections every other month and it's so hard to resist buying sample packs each time!

I think I have every need covered and some for perfume! I don't really have a goal, apart from using and getting enjoyment from this collection.

What about you, do you love perfume, too?


  1. Wow you have quite the collection! I literally own two (both of them Marc Jacob's) and then I have some empty bottles which I'm keeping purely because I'm a hoarded hahaha!

    Lauren x Huggled

    1. Thank you, Lauren. I am a sucker for packaging, too! xx

  2. WOW Indie, so many perfumes! How do you wear them all?

    My collection's fairly small - around the 15 mark. (I only know that because I've just looked at the post I did about them!) I'm trying to pan some of them this year (or get as close as I can to panning them) because my wishlist has grown & I want to make way for more.

    1. I must admit, it can be hard to choose which to wear, lol. I wouldn't call 15 small!


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