Stocktake- Eyeliners, Brow, Single Eye Shadows and Eye Shadow Creams.

In this post I will begin to reveal a little of my beauty obsession, eye makeup.

 I haven't bought too many additions since the last post that I showed you my eyeliners.

Although I have a lot more pencils, I actually now prefer to line with cream/gel liners. Except for my waterline, a soft pencil is what I use. As for liquid liner, they hardly ever get used.

I now know how important grooming the brows is to complete a makeup look. I just haven't developed an obsession to accumulate a lot of brow products...yet.

Single eye shadows, eye primers and cream eye shadows. 

As you can see, I went through a L'Oreal Infallible Eye Shadow and Maybelline Color Tattoo obsession. This section of the stocktake items seem to have increased in number...oops!

Well, another Stocktake post completed, just 2 more to go! If you'd like to check out my makeup collection as it was in March 2013, you can see that here.


  1. Holy dooly what an impressive collection of infallible eyeshadows and colour tattoos! I didn't even know there was that many lol. Cant wait too see your other stocktake posts xx

    1. Thank you, gorgeous. Let's just say, I've had a close relationship with ebay, lol xx

  2. I think I need to try those Infallible shadows.. I'm trying to down size my singles though. TORN!!!!

    1. One more eye shadow isn't going to hurt! ;) lol

  3. I love the color tattoos too. I've got 19. I've found some of the limited edition colours are better than the regular range. They've discontinued electric blue & fierce & tangy, which are about the best in terms of smoothness of application. Still, I'm feeling better about my own excesses when I see how crazy you've gone! LOL!

    1. I get really excited when I see there are more Color Tattoo shades. Sucks now, tho, with the crap Aussie Dollar, and a very limited availability here. We miss out on so many great products!

  4. Wow! I feel a whole lot better about my collection now! haha! That's a beautiful collection you have there! No wonder you can create so many lovely eye creations! xx :D

    1. Thank you, Candy. I have become more of a beauty hoarder, but I am trying hard to turn that around, and use more product than what I buy xx

  5. Your brow obsession stuff will definitely grow! Good collection!

    1. Oh dear, you are probably right, hun! Lol xx


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