The Ordinary Vitamin C Suspension 30% in Silicone

Wanting to include a vitamin C product into my skincare routine, choosing one from The Ordinary was a no brainer as it is such an affordable option. Deciding on the Vitamin C product to use was the hard part. I had previously used MAP, which I liked, but I wanted a higher percentage of Vitamin C in the hopes to really make a difference to my skin.

After much deliberation, I settled on the Vitamin C Suspension 30% in Silicone. I wanted some bang for my buck and 30% is a very high percentage of vitamin C.

Taken from Deciem- "Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant and its pure form of L-Ascorbic Acid has been shown to help reverse multiple signs of skin aging while brightening the skin when applied topically. This water-free formula provides 30% pure LAA which remains completely stable due to the presence of very light silicones, this formulation feels smooth on the skin despite the suspension format of the formulation."

The product is packaged in a 30 ml squeeze tube with flip-top lid. The product has a thick silicone consistency with a slight non-descript scent.

This product can be used in the morning or night, but recommended for night time use. Of course, I prefer to use vitamin C during the day. LAA can be fussy when it comes to using with other products. I feel out of depth with all the "rules", so I hope that leaving 30 minutes after applying my serum before patting on this product then waiting another 30 minutes until I apply my moistiuriser and sunscreen gives enough time between applications as to not mess with the effectiveness of the vitamin C. Confused much? Me too, lol!

I found this serum best applied by smoothing onto the skin, then patting in to cover the face. This seems to prevent any pilling. It is just so thick, not so much that it is too difficult to apply, but it's unlike any skincare product that I have used. Obviously because of the silicones, it's similar to putting on a primer.

I do experience a slight tingle from time to time, but nothing I feel that I need to be concerned about, I don't even get a flush.

I've been using for about 3 weeks now and I cannot see any reduction in pigmentation, however my skin does appear brighter and my skin texture is smoother. I am happy to continue to use The Ordinary Vitamin C Suspension, but I think I would prefer a product that isn't so temperamental. 

Unfortunately the easier to use vitamin C products just aren't as effective. Decisions Decisions. This is no reflection on the product itself, it is good, fantastic for the price. Although, in saying that I would rather a serum than this silicone base.


  1. My skin loves the benefits of vitamin C in my skin care products! I'll have to remember these products when I next need to buy skincare!

    1. Hey Ingrid! I am on a mission to find my perfect vitamin C product xx

  2. So am I IndieAna. It does sound good for the money though. Thanks for the review, Freaky

    1. Thank you, Jen. It is great for the money, but I might have to give something else a try. Not upset about trying something new, lol xx

  3. I've never used Vitamin C, I had no idea you shouldn't mix it with other products! I love the Ordinary but I might stick with my hyaluronic acid serums.

    1. Hey Katie, it's not all vitamin C products, L-Ascorbic Acid, although can be great for the skin, can become innefective with certain products, like niacinamide for example.
      I'm currently using The Ordinary HA serum and my skin is loving it!


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