2014 Blogger Kris Kringle

Kris Kringles are so much fun, aren't they? I love getting a little surprise, as well as getting something a little special for someone else.

Some lovely beauty bloggers, Jasmine of Sweetaholic Beauty, Melody of Melludee and Jennifer of QuestJen had a call out for anyone interested in participating in a Kris Kringle. I was undecided to begin with because it's harder to buy a gift for someone you have never met. 

I did end up sending an email to join in, and am so glad I did. It was a lot of fun!

I received my parcel in the mail in plenty of time before Christmas. I got as far as reading the lovely note included from the gorgeous Ash from The Beauty Collection. It was hard, but I put the parcel under the tree, determined to wait until Christmas Day.

The wait was so worth it!

I actually nearly cried when I had received the Sleek Lagoon palette and Sugarpill eye shadow, both from my wishlist! And those tiger (my fave animal!) decals are so cute!

Ash, thank you for your thoughtful gifts, I feel so spoiled xx


  1. Wow! I can't believe you waited until Christmas Day haha!
    I don't have that kind of restraint when receiving packages in the mail :P But yay, I'm very happy that you enjoyed this! Look forward to next year's one :) :)

    1. It took a lot of will power! Thank you so much for your part in organizing this KK, I loved it, and you can certainly count me in for the next one! xx

  2. Yay! I'm so glad you loved your gifts :) Hope you enjoy playing around with them and I can't wait to see what looks you come up with :) xxx

    Ash / thebeautycollection.wordpress.com/

    1. I adore my gifts, and will be posting up many a makeup look I am sure! Thanks again, gorgeous xx

  3. What awesome goodies! Those tiger decals are adorable! Hope you had a great christmas lovely xx

  4. Aren't they ever! I did have a nice Christmas. I hope you did, too, sweet lady xx

  5. Er-meh-gherd! That is SOME present! I would love it if you could do some looks with that palette!

    1. I know! Just try and stop me bombarding everyone with looks using this palette, LOL xx

  6. What a great Kris Kringle gift haul you received! It's nice that Ash put so much effort into choosing such a perfect gift for you!

  7. Oh yes, I am extremely grateful for Ash's very thoughtful gifts xx

  8. Hey! Thank you for your parcel! It is really thoughtful of you. :)
    Did a post on it and I couldn't believe you waited till christmas! Such strong will power you got there. Its really nice that Ash put in so much effort in choosing your gift. :)



    1. Oh yay, thanks for letting me know! I hope you like the gifts xx


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