Stocktake- Nail Polishes

I am often taken in by a pretty nail polish shade, no matter how many of similar colour that I already have. Time to show you my nail polish collection.

 I have my nail polishes on display, looking well organized.

..and then I have these nail polishes that don't fit! They are tucked away in a set of plastic drawers in my wardrobe, rarely getting to see the light of day.

To compare, I published a nail polish collection post back in October of 2013, you can see that here.

As part of my birthday present I did order 3 nail polishes, plus I have 3 Catrice polishes on their way, which I'd ordered some time ago. I am now determined (kind of) to cut back my nail polish purchases!

What's your beauty obsession?


  1. Geez I have so many nail polishes I don't know what to do with. I've started swatching my entire collection in order to find dupes that I can give away, throw away or sell!
    Sweetaholic Beauty

  2. Beauty blogger problems! My collection is totally spilling out of the containers - thank goodness I have lot of friends who can take dupes off my hands!

    1. Lol, isn't it just! Yeah, I'm sure I could offload some of my stash if necessary. Don't really want to, well, unless I see more that I must have! :)

  3. Whoa! I thought I had a lot of nail polishes! My collection has outgrown the large biscuit tin I had them crammed into. I own about as many as in your bottom photo. I'm always rooting around looking for one of my nail strengtheners which I use as base coat. I'm going to have to separate them into topcoats (glitters & effects) & regular colours, with all my treatments & strengtheners separate.

    1. Yes, from the sound of it, you need a bigger storage system. Of course, with that will come more nail polishes, lol


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