Stocktake- Perfumes

Ok, so new year, time to see what's in my perfume, nail polish and makeup stash.  I'll be spreading these Stocktake posts over the next few weeks.

My first being perfumes.

The last post I did of my perfume collection was back in February of last year (seems weird to be saying the words "last year"). You can check out that post here.

 My collection of perfume sprays has grown, but I don't want to expand. Actually, I really believe that I only need a few perfumes going at once.

My perfume obsession began with oils. Because I have quite the stash, it's been a long time since I've bought any new additions.

As you can see, I do love perfumes. I don't think I could ever pick just one fragrance as my signature scent.

I'll ask you a question that I seriously cannot answer. What's your favourite perfume? 


  1. My favourite perfume has always been Anna Sui Secret Wish for years and years! I just LOVE it and the packaging is so me! :)
    You have an amazing collection, you must always smell gorgeous!! ;) xx
    -CandyFairy Blogs <3

    1. Ooh, I haven't tried that perfume before, Candy. I'll have to test it xx

  2. Issey Miyake and Chanel No.5 are my special occasion go-to perfumes. They are also both guaranteed to cheer me up if I'm feeling a bit down or upset. Oh and Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy is another firm favourite.

    1. Oh yes, Viva La Juicy, I so love that perfume! :)

  3. What an awesome collection! As usual, I love the way you store the oils. I am getting a tiny thrill to see they are arranged house wise :)


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