Smoky Eye Look

I love the classic smoky eye look. I don't often create one myself, but when I put a sample of Mon Ennui "Oil Slick" aside to use, I knew that I had to create a smoky eye with it. Unfortunately it is no longer available, so I won't go into detail of the actual eye shadow.

I also used
88 Warm palette
YBF Universal Brow Pencil
Rimmel Scandaleyes mascara

The blackened teal duo chrome really gives the look a little something extra special. Well, I know how I'll be finishing this little plastic baggie of eye shadow. I can't see myself getting sick of this look in a hurry!

I hope you are having a wonderful day!


  1. I love this colour! It's so pretty!

    1. It really is, isn't it! I love the intense teal, but I also really like the way it blends out nicely, too.

  2. This colour is amazing, so lovely! I've never heard of Mon Ennui, lol. :)

    1. Mon Ennui is a small indie online store. There's some very tempting eye shadows on offer, but I really must refrain! :)


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