NOTD- Colourful Stamping

I've had a short break from posting nail looks of late, but I am so glad to now have a mani to show you!

The nail polishes I used for this mani were Sally Hansen "White On", which I neglected to include in the photo somehow, Ulta3 "Purple Pumps" and "Mojito", and MUD "Crazed for Coral".

I began with a white base, then opted for cream finish polishes for stamping on a splatter design. In general, I find creams to be more opaque.

To achieve the coloured look, I simply painted a stroke of each polish across the design I was using.

It's the first time I have tried this technique with nail stamping, but I really like it. The result is effective, without much more effort than stamping with just the one shade takes.

I hope you're having a fabulous day! :)


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