Stocktake 2015 Summary

Every beauty blogger has a box of products to review, am I right? I seem to be filling up mine quicker than what is actually being reviewed #bloggerfirstworldproblems.

 This is my "to review" box

I won't post photos of what's inside as you'll get to see the products...eventually, but I will give numbers of what's inside.

Palettes- 8
Single eye shadows- 13
Mineral loose eye shadows- 6
Lip primers- 2
Blush- 2
Liquid lipsticks- 8
Lip glosses- 6
Lipsticks- 30

So my makeup collection in total consists of the following numbers:

Face Products:
Primers- 3
Concealers- 7
Foundations/ BB/CC creams- 6
Finishing powders- 7
Highlighters- 3
Blush- 34 and 11 samples

Eye primers- 13
Brow products- 7
Mascaras- 11
Eye liners- 42
Single eye shadows- 41
Cream eye shadows- 52
Mineral eye shadows- 643
Eye shadow palettes- 127

Lipliners- 19
Lipsticks- 130
Liquid lipsticks- 44
Lip glosses- 72

Sprays- 15
Oils- 87
Solids- 16
Samples- 40

Nail Polishes- 407

Apart from blushes, face products aren't a problem for me, they are at a manageable amount. My aim is to see a reduction in most products at next year's stocktake. I have a feeling that the amount of eye shadows and most likely lip products will undoubtedly increase, but I would like to minimize my spending.

Would you consider taking stock of the makeup you won. If so, I'd love to ogle over your collections :)


  1. Can't wait to see those reviews! Such a crazy collection, thanks for sharing! :)

    1. It is rather crazy, I may be a little obsessed, lol xx

  2. I have a few boxes sitting in my room. I see a lot of colours in your stash, looking forward to seeing these products in action!

    1. I am looking forward to playing with everything. I'd like to say that I won't buy until I have tried everything in the box, but I really don't think that I can commit to that, lol.

  3. Wow! What a great makeup collection! It's fun looking over everything you have and checking for any gaps you might have - although I suspect your collection has no gaps - lol!

    1. Lol, oh, it does! I don't do bronzers, so none of those :) :) :)

  4. Well done on accruing such a collection! I now have a cupboard to house all the products I'm currently hoarding for review.

    1. Oh gosh, a cupboard? I thought a box was bad enough, lol

  5. Looking forward to your reviews! I can see some MBA in there...cant wait to see what you bought, I remember reading your review of some of their prods earlier this year : ) xo

    1. I bought the loose eye shadow metallic collection and some lipsticks from LA Girl. I cant wait to use them xx

  6. Aw, you make me giggle! I love how organised you are with your stock! I really need to whip myself into shape a bit more, though I'm pretty good about doing a cull every now and then. :)

    1. Hey gorgeous gal! It took some time taking stock of everything. Tiring, but I loved doing it. I have started culling things that are not in the best shape, but I could probably get rid of some items that don't get any use xx

  7. 407 nail polishes!!! Lol
    I'm luck there, nail polishes are about the only thing I dont collect, I still have 30 ish lol

    1. Well, 30 nail polishes is quite a lot considering that they are a product that you are not obsessed with, lol xx

  8. Drooling over that box full of goodies! I don't have a "review box." :( Lately, I only purchase a couple of inexpensive items here and there. I've been into makeup for so long now that I don't have any needs, so I only get something new that grabs my attention.

    1. For a minute I thought you won all of this, but then I realized I think you meant own... ;)

    2. Lol, I would have loved to win all of the goodies! You are so controlled, I am trying to curb my spending on makeup items that I don't need :)


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