June Empties

June wasn't my most successful month when it came to finishing products.

As you can see, I only have a few empties to show you.

RawSkinCeuticals SPF 45+ Lotion- We all know just how important it is to wear sunscreen. With my decision to use a physical sunscreen, it is difficult to find one that isn't greasy. That was until I tried RawSkinCeuticals.
Repurchase? Oh yes, I don't feel the need to try any other brand. I'm very satisfied with this non-greasy formula.

Rihanna "Rebelle"- I bought this travel sized perfume when it was on sale at Priceline.
Repurchase? I was naughty and bought a full size of "Rebelle", it is gorgeous and I couldn't resist.

Sweet Libertine "Dazed and Confucius"- A taupe shadow with a hint of lavender. A great shade to wear with a bold lip.
 Repurchase? I really liked using the sample, but don't feel that I need a full size.

Tom Ford "Velvet Orchid"- I won this sample perfume spray from My Perfume Samples.
Repurchase? I would love a full size of this fragrance. I will have a review posted in the near future of this deep, rich perfume.

Silk Naturals "Kick Start"- This eye shadow featured in my May Favourites. It is a beautiful silvery taupe that was perfect for every day wear.
Repurchase? As much as I adored this shadow, I really don't need a full size.

RawSkinCeuticals RegenC Exfoliator- I generally prefer a chemical exfoliator, however the RegenC version is not harsh. I found that it exfoliated without feeling to rough on my skin.
Repurchase? I have a larger size of this product, and am looking forward to using it further.

Mirenesse Brow Lift and Shape- I liked to use this brow mascara to tame my brows. I hadn't quite finished all of the product, but it had become too dried out to use.
Repurchase? I did think that this brow product was a good one, but don't feel the need to replace it. Maybe in future.

L'Oreal Revitalift Laser Day Cream- This cream sufficiently hydrated my skin, leaving it soft and smooth.
Repurchase- It was a decent moisturiser, but did not impress me enough to warrant buying again. Plus, I really don't appreciate strong fragrances in my skincare. 

Mirenesse Whipped BB Moisture Fill- Another Mirenesse product finished. This product is a primer. It worked well to even out my skin tone before foundation application. The primer had a lovely light weight consistency.
Repurchase? A great product, but I have others to use at present.

Again I found a few items that were no longer in a condition to use.

Well, if you are crazy about empties like me (or just crazy!), I hope you enjoyed a month of finishing products.

I've also linked this post to Ingrid's Monday Makeup Madness, feel free to link your blog post, too!


  1. My june hasn't been too successful either! I find myself to through out more old stuff than use them up. I am really curious about Mirenesse products (damn info commercial!), I have their lippie and finishing product, which product(s) would you recommend for me to investigate further?

    1. My favourite Mirenesse products are the BB Pore Powder (apart from the fragrance), Whipped BB Primer and the Lip Bombs are the bomb, lol.

  2. That's a lotta empties laydee! The shadow looks really pretty! Its hard to justify repurchases...when your cupboards and drawers are so full hehe :) great review, as always :) xo

    1. So true, Christina. Another reason why I don't repurchase a lot is because I'm always wanting to try another brand! Us beauty lovers can be so hard to please, lol xx

  3. Great empties post! You have a lot of empties for June compared to me! I think I've been swapping between too many products! Looking forward to your Tom Ford Velvet Orchid review!

    1. Skincare I find is pretty easy for me to continue use until finished. Not so much with makeup, except foundation, I tend to just use the one until it is empty. I will have the Tom Ford perfume review posted some time this week :)

  4. You did great! I find it so hard to throw away old products when I haven't completely finished them. You are strong for being able to! :) My empties have really down sized lately, but it's nice to opens some new things to try that have been waiting their turn for ages! xx

    1. Unfinished products I still find hard to part with, they have to be really stodgy and smell, lol

  5. I had a really slow June with Empties too!
    However one week into July and Ive finished more this week than I did last month!!
    You make me want that RawCeuticals SPF Lotion though ;)

    1. Looking forward to your July Empties post, then! The sunscreen is a definite winner! xx

  6. Lol Indie I admire your tracking of what you finish - I've never actually tried this kind of thing (might be too revealing ha ha!) but I do love finding out what you would repurchase, makes it a sure bet "try" for me hon ♥♥♥

    1. Kat, I would love to see a monthly post of the products you finish and what you think of them! xx


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