Stocktake 2015- Palettes

By far the makeup I am obsessed with is eye shadow palettes. I don't need any more, but when I see a lovely palette, I think I do. I must have it, even though in most cases I haven't even used the ones that I have.

Small palettes that consist of no more than 4 shadows- 40.

Larger palettes- 79

Thankfully with my Palette Appreciation series, these palettes are slowly being used, rather than being hoarded and being the very definition of a collection. As you can probably tell, I am rather fond of palettes that are in a budget friendly range. I have added some pricier palettes to my collection, but I have only used the Urban Decay Naked palette once, and have only swatched the others. To be honest, the hype and the packaging reels me in, then I find it hard to bring myself to use them, lol.

I hope you are having a wonderful Friday!


  1. I too get lured in by packaging and hype!
    I don't have as many as you, however I definitely don't use them as much as I should!

    1. I totally understand! There's palettes that I really want to get my hands on because I've fallen in love with the packaging

  2. So many, and all so gorgeous! I love your mix of colours :)

    1. Thank you! Oh yes, I certainly love colour xx

  3. Wow so many palettes! I would be way to scared to do this hahaha.. I have two drawers filled with eyeshadow.. oops! xx

    Sweetaholic Beauty

  4. This is the 2nd or 3rd time I've come to drool here without posting. So many gorgeous palettes. I recognise a lot of Sleek & even the little L'Oreal Disco Smoking, which is a favourite of mine. I also see a lot I don't recognise. My stash doesn't come close to this, but I use pretty much everything I've got.

    1. That's where I want things to change, I don't want so much makeup collecting dust. I think it's great that you get use out of everything you own, better than just piling up eventually being unusable :)

  5. I love this! I'm such a palette hoarder myself that this post just makes me all kinds of happy haha...I do try to shop my stash from time to time though to make sure they all get some ♥!

    Btw, what are the shadows in the little z-palette and also in the palette next to the Galaxy Chic?

    1. Shopping your stash is such a great idea, fun too! The eye shadows in the z-palette are from Venemous Cosmetics, they are sold as sample size and were only $2 each, fantastic pigment, too! If you are referring to the left, that's a custom palette from Coastal Scents, to the right is a cheapie from Amuse Beauty xx


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