Stocktake 2015- Lip Pencils, Lipstick, Lip Gloss

When it comes to lip products, I often go through phases. I'll be content with what I own, then I'll go on buying frenzies, needing every shade of a colour I've taken a fancy to, or a particular finish. Lately, it's been matte and liquid lipsticks.

Lip liners- 19

2 Lip palettes. Lipsticks- 100 

Liquid lipsticks- 36

Lip glosses- 66

My lip product collection from the start of the year can be viewed here

Please don't ask me what are my faves are, I came across so many during counting that I haven't even worn yet! Eek.

I hope your Saturday is treating you well :)


  1. Ahh your lippie collection is amazing! I'm lipstick crazy too haha.

    1. Thank you, hun! It's hard not to be lipstick crazy when there''s so many new releases to buy, lol xx


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